These are interviews I've done and that have been posted on YouTube or elsewhere by the interviewers, almost all of them about the theme of civilizational complexity collapse.
This first interview is with Michael Dowd, a preacher and inspirational speaker who has been recording interviews with a wide range of personalities, most of whom are much more notable than I, including Richard Rohr, Jem Bendell, Derrick Jensen, Tim Watkins, and Ugo Bardi. I liked the personal, philosophical, and even religious notes in this interview.
These next two are with Sam Mitchell for his YouTube channel Collapse Chronicles.
In August 2020 I gave a telephone interview to Kevin Hester and Guy McPherson for their Progressive Radio Network show Nature Bats Last. McPherson is perhaps the best-known popularizer of the idea of Near Term Human Extinction, and for much of the interview I was in the position of pushing back on a number of the points commonly used to support that thesis. The interview may be listened to or downloaded from this link: